Cloud Migration

Renowned Cloud Implementation Innovators
In today’s technological climate, organizations need to be agile, flexible and remain relevant to
who they serve and their needs. More importantly, their data needs to be secure AND accessible,
without experiencing excessive downtime. Instead of worrying about the infrastructure, EdWise can
assist you in devising custom-made, low-maintenance and scaling solutions based on your customers’
specific needs.
EdWise’s Blueprint for Unique Cloud Transition
To help boost system security, EdWise assists with categorizing application resources into groups in the cloud based on their business unit and environment so access can be managed more efficiently. EdWise implements universally available, self-healing storage solutions that require minimal maintenance and feature built-in monitoring and alerting systems to ensure maximized uptime.

EdWise’s Unique Cloud Transition Method
EdWise’s approach and methods have already incurred cost-savings in two states and
- Cloud migration makes maintenance a breeze through reduced patching and host system upkeep.
- Capital expenditures become operating expenditures through a pay-as-you-go model featuring no up- front investment, no capacity planning or responsibility for keeping the infrastructure up and running on your end.